NCSU Department of Communication

COM477-001::Mobile Technologies and Cultures
Instructor: Dr. Adriana de Souza e Silva




Class schedule



Grade book



Assignments will be evaluated based on:

  • The originality and creativity of your ideas
  • The quality of your argument
  • The quality of the sources you use to support your argument
  • How well you connect your assignment to the topics we are discussing in class
  • The quality of your writing / speech

Many assignments in this course are written assignments. It is expected that you write in clear, formal, academic language. If you need help with your writing skills, please let me know early in the semester. You can contact the University Writing and Speaking Tutorial service for support.

Students are required to complete ALL assignments in order to pass the course.


1. Weekly reflections (blog posts) (25 points)
-- due each Sunday
These are brief summaries/comments about the text you just read for the class. The writing comments are due by Sunday at midnight and should be around two to three paragraphs. You should write a one paragraph summary for each text, and then connect them together / comment in another paragraph.

Blog posts will be graded according to the following criteria:

  • 2. The student (a) provides a clear and objective summary of both texts main ideas, and (b) connects both texts main topics with previous classes and readings, and personal observations (For this part, you may address the following question: why is this text relevant to understand the topic mobile technologies and cultures?)
  • 1.5. The student (a) provides a clear and objective summary of one of the texts, and (b) connects at least one of the texts main topics with previous classes and readings, and personal observations, fails to do that for both texts (For this part, you may address the following question: why is this text relevant to understand the topic mobile technologies and cultures?)
  • 1. The student (a) identified some main ideas in the texts, but did not address them adequately, (b) did not provide a clear summary of the texts, or (c) did not satisfactorily connect the text ideas with previous classes, readings and personal observations.
  • 0. The student (a) did not summarize the texts and did not connect it to past classes, or (b) posted after the deadline. Late posts will automatically receive a 0*.
  • 2.5. If you write an outstanding blog post, you'll get an extra credit.

*If you have an excused absence, you can still get credit to your blog post if you post it within one week of the absence. You are excused from posting if you are presenting to the class. Blog post grades are available at the course grade book in the course locker.

Each class a student will be asked to read their blog post. You can also volunteer to read it. So, you should bring a print out of your blog post to class.

In order to be added as a blog user, you register at the NCSU WolfBlogs at: After you register, send me an email with the subject "COM477" containing: your name, your email and your unity username. Then you will receive an email from me asking you to joing the class blog. After joining the blog, follow the instructions below to post comments.

Instructions to post comments:
1. Go to:
2. Login with your University username and password.
3. Click on "new entry" at the right hand side of the blog name.
4. Give a title to your post: the title should be the last name of the text's author, e.g., Abbatte.
5. Assign a category to your post (This should be your name).
6. Write your post (you can resize the text book by dragging the lower right hand corner).
7. Sign your post with your name.
8. Click "Post to Weblog".
10. To view your post, click on "COM477F09" on the top of the page.
11. If you wish to re-edit it, click on "Edit" below your post, which will take you back to the post interface. Make your changes and click "Post to Weblog" again.


Examples of very good blog posts


2. News + class discussion (10 points)

Each week, two students will be responsible for brining a popular press article about the topic addressed in that class. Each student will also bring 3-4 discussion questions that connect the article to the texts assigned for that week.

Students in class will read the article and discuss proposed questions.

In order to get full credit for the assigned the students should:

  • Email two options of articles and the questions one week in advace the professor.
  • Follow the professor's feedback, in case the students needs to find a new article or re-work on the discussion questions.

The assignment will be graded based on the following criteria:

  • The quality of your article (if the article is from a trustworthy popular press source)
  • The quality of your discussion questions (how well they relate to the week's readings).
  • Student gave article + quetions to instructor one week in advance.
  • Student followed the professor's feedback, in case he / she needs to find a new article or re-work on the discussion questions.
  • Student led class discussion

Here's a useful resource that explains what a popular press article is:

Download discussion grading rubric


3. Mid-term and Final Exams (20 points each)
-- questions on 09.28 and 11.30
The mid-term and final exams are individual take home essays. You will have one week to complete the exams. The purpose of the exams is for you to demonstrate that you have understood the major issues addressed in the course and that you can articulate an insightful, well-supported position on one of those issues.

You should be prepared to answer any of the questions based on your class notes, slides, class readings, and outside sources. Your essay should present a clear, well-structured answer to the question, incorporating information, facts, or quotations from the course readings and from your lecture notes, research sources, and blog postings. You are required to use at least two quotes or facts from the course readings listed after the question and at least two quotes or facts from any other outside sources. This is the minimal requirement, however; if you are aiming for an “A,” don’t settle for the minimum. All source material must be properly indicated using quotation marks (if it is a quote) and credited using proper parenthetical references.

When your turn in your completed exam, you will also turn in copies of all the sources you used (not including course readings).

Directions for the exams:

• Each question should about two to three pages long.
• For each answer, you should cite at least 2 texts used in class and 1 outside source reference.
• Cite your sources at the end of each question as a references list.
• Sources and in-text citations should be formatted according to the APA style.
• Attach copy of all the external sources you used to your essay (not including course readings).

Your answers will be evaluated based on:

  • the substance of your research, that is:
    • how you answer the questions in adequate detail;
    • the quality of the sources you use to support your argument;
    • how well you connect your assignment to the topics we are discussing in class;
  • the correct citation of sources according to the APA style;
  • the correct number of sources;
  • the adequate length of the answer;
  • the quality of your writing.

Midterm answers (model)

4. Final creative project (20 points)

In groups of two or three, students will produce a creative piece on the social use of cell phones in today's society. Groups can choose among the following:

  1. a short mobile video narrative (1-5 minutes). The group can create a motion movie or a still movie. In both cases, the group is encouraged to add voice over / soundtrack. If you are using a PC, you can use simple software such as QuickTime to edit your movie, or you can use Adobe Premiere, if you are confortable with the software. If you use a Mac, you can use iMovie. If you choose to produce a video, you might want to develop your project in collaboration with students enrolled in the class COM357: Digital Video Production, taught by Mr. Jim Alchediak. Further instructions on how to work collaboratively will be given in class.
  2. A short-play (5-10 minutes). This is similar to the video narrative, with the difference that instead of filming it, the group will perform it in class.
  3. A short-novel (5-10 pages).
  4. Or other creative project, as long as it is discussed with the instructor.

In the begining of the course, students will choose among major topics/ research questions explored in the course:

  • ubiquitous / pervasive computing / locative media (How does embedding computational devices everywhere changes how we interact with urban spaces?)
  • micro-coordination (How can cell phones mediate interpersonal relationships?)
  • macro-coordination (How can cell phones be used for collective communication and activism?)
  • safety and security (Do people fell safer with their cell phones? What would happen if you are a day without a cell phone?)
  • intimacy (Is there a parallel between online dating and cell phone dating?)
  • identity and fashion (How do cell phones work as part of people's identity?)
  • appropriation of technology (How are cell phones used by low-income communities / in the developing world?)

The group might also suggest a topic, as long as it is discussed with the professor. Your group's story should reflect a particular view of the cell phone based on its ability to create (or not) social environments, and social imagination (for more examples, see Kato, H. (2005). Japanese youth and the imagining of keitai. In M. Ito, D. Okabe, & M. Matsuda (Eds.), Personal, portable, pedestrian: Mobile phones in Japanese life (pp. 103-119). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

The project will be evaluated based on (for more details see project grading rubric):

  • Your topic definition
  • Your storyboard / outline
  • Your final presentation
  • Your project mechanics / structure (the movie / play / novel itself)

The last class meeting will be reserved for students’ demonstration / presentation of their project.

Your group will develop the project by completing a series of four assignments, each of which contributes to the total of 20 points of your grade:

  • Define work groups; (09.16)
  • Present a written (one paragraph) proposal of the final project to be discussed in class; (09.23)
  • Present an initial storyboard for the final project; (10.14)
  • Present a draft version of the final project to be discussed in class; (11.04)
  • Final presentations (11.30 / 12.02)
    Due date: 12.02.08
    • Unexcused late assignments will result in a reduction of your grade by 50% if received within 24 hours of due date and time.
    • Assignments received later will not be accepted unless in accordance with the excused absence policy as referenced in the syllabus.

    - Option for creative project:
    Students are strongly encouraged to work in groups for the creative project. However, if you decide not to do the final project, you have the option to work on final research paper.

    This will be a research paper which combines rigorous analysis of some topic within the general subject of Mobile Technologies and Cultures. Every research paper starts with a clear research question (e.g. How do cell phones work as part of people's identity?) and/or a clear statement recognizing a shift in the current situation (e.g. shift from using cell phones as business tools to identity statements). It must be an original study written by you for this course and based on scholarly sources. You should pick one of the topics discussed in class (e.g. use of cell phones for saftey and security, micro-coordination, cell phones as fashion items) and:

    • make a comparative analysis of two cell phone applications (e.g. Loopt / Brightkite), two films that deal with cell phones as social media (e.g. Denise Calls Up and Cellular) (these are just examples, not mandatory topic choices)
    • develop a case study for a situation using cell as social media phones (e.g. appropriation of cell phones by a specific community, how cell phones are represented in the News & Observer).
    • or select a topic of your choice, as long as it is connected to the topics we discussed in class.

    No matter which topic you choose, you should always connect to broader social/spatial implications and include conceptual analysis.

    Your paper must have:

    • Abstract / 5 keywords / Introduction / Conclusion / References.
    • a clear research question;
    • a clear thesis statement;
    • clear supporting points;
    • a logical, argument-based structure; and
    • concrete, well-documented evidence.

    Directions for the paper:

    • Minimum of 10 pages and maximum of 15 pages, including notes, references list, and appendix.
    • double space, 1” margins, 12-point font, and no extra space between paragraphs.
    • Cover page with the paper title, your name, class name/number, and date.
    • Follow the APA style guide for references. (information on the APA style guide can be found here. A copy of the publications manual is also available at the NCSU library).
    • You must have at least 10 sources; at least 7 of these must be scholarly sources. You should cite at least 3 texts used in class.

    The paper will be evaluated based on:

    • your topic definition, that is:
      • how you define your research question in adequate detail.
      • if you analyze some aspect of new media (defining why the chosen topic is new media)
      • makes an adequate comparative critical analysis.
    • the substance of your research, that is: .
      • the originality of your idea
      • how you completely and clearly discuss the issues involved drawing from class lectures, discussions and readings.
      • how you define, review, and draw on the relevant scholarly literature.
      • how you provide specific criteria and evidence for the position being espoused based upon readings and lectures.
      • the adequate lenght of your paper.
      • if your research is appropriate to your topic.
    • your citation of sources:
      • the adequate number of sources.
      • the adequate number of scholarly sources.
      • the proper formating of the sources.
    • the overall mechanics of your paper:
      • if the paper is clearly organized.
      • the quality of your writing (paragraph transitions, spelling, grammar, punctuation).

    You will write this paper by completing a series of 4 individual assignments, each of which contributes to the total of 20% of your grade:

    • A one-paragraph statement of your proposed topic. (09.23)
    • An annotated list of 5 sources relevant to your topic; at least 3 of these must be scholarly journals or books. This last can and should be expanded when your final paper is ready. (10.14)
    • Paper outline. A good example on how to write a paper outline can be found at the Online Writing Lab at Purdue's University: (11.04)
    • The final paper. (12.02)

    For additional help on writing your paper look at the followint Workshop:

    Final paper grading rubric.


    5. Participation (5 points)

    Participation entails not only attending the class but coming prepared having done all the readings, having made an honest attempt at understanding the author’s argument, and bringing reading notes and questions you’d like to ask. In order to get the maximum amount of points for participation, students are expected to:

    • Be present in class;
    • Contribute to the class with your ideas, comments and questions;
    • Actively participate in the course, answering the instructor's questions and engaging in class discussions.

    The final participation grade will be given according to the following criteria:
    A+ (5) Outstanding participation. Student meets and exceeds all criteria for “A” participation.
    A (4.75) Student is well prepared, attentive, always responds when called upon and volunteers often with pertinent answers or questions.
    B (4.25) Student is usually prepared, responds when called on and volunteers on occasion.
    C (3.75) Student shows evidence of being unprepared on occasion, has trouble when called on and does not volunteer often.
    D (3.25) Student is unprepared, inattentive, never volunteers, or comes to class late.
    F (0%) Student exhibits a lack of concern for the class, sleeps in class, or disturbs                                     the class.